FarmPlenty Flock Manager now available!

Posted by on Jan 2, 2015 in Blog | Comments Off on FarmPlenty Flock Manager now available!

We are pleased to announce that FarmPlenty Flock Manager is now available! We support importing your existing data and can produce a variety of valuable reports, including egg production and feed cost reports. We also can provide personalized recommendations for your flock based on your data. For example, we will notify you if feed consumption or egg production is outside the normal range and suggest next steps. Go try it out and give us your feedback. At FarmPlenty, our goal is to give small and urban farmers the tools they need to be successful and operate more sustainably.

Having raised chickens in my backyard for more than three years now, I know how bewildering it can be to care for your flock. What kind of feeder should I use? What’s the right coop for me? How can I save time and money? And keeping track of all your eggs and expenses is such a pain. I spent days setting up a treadle feeder and training my flock in order to reduce waste, but how can I know it’s working? We hope that FarmPlenty Flock Manager will now give you the tools you need to manage your flock with confidence.

To celebrate the launch, the first 100 subscribers to our newsletter will receive a free 30-day trial of FarmPlenty Flock Manager, you can sign up here:

Let us know if there is anything you would like to see in future versions, we value your input. Thanks!

George Lee
Founder, FarmPlenty